Angela Thatcher (credit: Arapahoe Co. Sheriff)
HIGHLANDS RANCH, Colo. (CBS4)- A woman from Highlands Ranch has been arrested for allegedly robbing banks and grocery stores. She was dubbed the ?Bag Lady Bandit? for dressing in frumpy clothing and wigs.
Before she was taken into custody, Angela Thatcher was a wanted woman. The FBI along with several Denver metro area law enforcement agencies were trying to catch her.
Thatcher, 38, is accused of robbing six banks and two King Soopers stores in Highlands Ranch, Centennial, Littleton and Boulder.
She is facing criminal charges in four different Denver metro area counties including five counts of felony aggravated robbery.
Neighbors were shocked to learn that Thatcher had been arrested.
?We were shocked, for sure. You don?t expect something like that to go on in a quaint neighborhood like this,? said Thatcher?s neighbor Danielle Holley.
Police claim that each time she robbed a bank or grocery store, Thatcher handed the clerk a note and took off with the money.
The ?Bag Lady Bandit? (credit: FBI)
Neighbors said they know Thatcher as a mother who lived down the street. They said she cared for young children.
?Devastating. That?s the worst part of this entire story,? said Holley. ?It?s going to be very, very hard for her loved ones.?
The ?Bag Lady Bandit? (credit: FBI)
Thatcher has been arrested 13 times since 1995 for crimes including burglary, fraud, larceny and forgery.
A joint invetigation effort led to her identification on Sept. 20. She was arrested Tuesday in Westminster.
The ?Bag Lady Bandit? (credit: FBI)
?You don?t know what her intentions are. It?s heartbreaking to think that now those children won?t have a mother,? said Holley.
Thatcher remained in custody on Wednesday night on $250,000 bond.
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